One of my first real dates was with a girl who gave me butterflies. What caught my attention first wasn’t her oh-so-pretty face (though I’ll never forget that cheeky smirk), it was the brightly coloured pants that only she could pull off so well. The softly ribbed texture of corduroy still sends shivers down my spine, but that’s neither here nor there. We went to different schools and were a year or two apart in age but had crossed paths and hit it off. She was so unashamedly herself and I was utterly smitten.
I was young and, although I never would have admitted it then, naive. She had done things I had never even heard of and it made my heart race. I learnt a great deal on our dates. She taught me about sub-drop and aftercare, and what to look out for when seeking a dom/domme. We talked about impact play and sensitivity and bruises. It was sitting in a park that I first learnt about squirting, and I blushed like never before when she suggested a more hands-on approach.
While I can thank her for so my introduction to the kink and BDSM scene, she taught me a far more valuable lesson too. The dates she took me on set the standard so high for all future dates. She treated me like a princess and I had the time of my life doing practically nothing. I learnt how I should be treated and reminded that a date wasn’t an agreement to hook up at the end. Neither of us was looking for something serious but I never felt like a cheap fling to her either. To this day, I have held all of my dates to the standards she set. I am so grateful for her kindess.
Wherever she is now, I send my appreciation and admiration. I hope she is having fun and still rocking those stunning corduroy pants.