While the XXX magazine industry blossomed in the 1960s and boomed over the ’70s and ’80s, it soon gave way to DVD and late-night Gone Wild commercials. Now, the overwhelming majority of explicit material is available online and most young men have never known the panic of hurriedly stashing their centrefold under the bed. Despite the cultural waves of celebrating or repressing sexually explicit media, every culture has had some form of erotic media.
The Kama Sutra
Perhaps the most renowned piece of erotic literature is the Kama Sutra. Believed to have been written by Vatsyayana Mallanaga, the Kama Sutra takes a holistic approach to human sexuality and fulfilment. It is divided into seven parts. Those parts discuss everything from the basics of loving someone to the ethical implications of having an affair.
Sexual Union
The second instalment, titled Sexual Union, is usually what comes to mind when someone mentions the Kama Sutra. It features explicit positions and techniques in bed, many of which are familiar to the modern reader. However, there are plenty of variations that can help spice things up!
Consider the Bull Position or ‘Virsha’ which takes reverse cowgirl to a whole new level. Men get to lay back and enjoy the view, while the receiving partner leans forward to grab their partner’s shins or ankles for more control when riding.
If you feel like getting literally tangled in the sheets, try out the Lotus or ‘Padmasana’ position. Sit cross-legged and have the receiving partner sit in your lap facing you, their legs wrapping around your lower back. Then, explore the range of rocking, grinding and gyrating motions available to you in this intimate entanglement.
The Kama Sutra has inspired countless drawings, paintings and sculptures, often in places of worship and art galleries. Many modern reprints of the Kama Sutra come with their own interpretations and illustrations of the poses.
Insightful & Culturally Intriguing
When it isn’t serving as a how-to for up-and-coming porn stars, the Kama Sutra is among the most culturally significant texts, especially given the insight it offers into the cultural and philosophical attitudes of the time. It discusses key pillars of attraction and compatibility and examines in detail the role of erotic courtesans and wifely duties. The Kama Sutra offers a unique perspective on the most desirable attributes at that time. It’s interesting to see how our understanding of relationships and sex has changed over time.
While many of the beliefs in the Kama Sutra don’t align with modern views, the historical value of the text is undeniable. History often focuses on trade, war and religion so understanding how ancient cultures viewed sex and relationships is important too. Aside from earning a place in museums and galleries, it’s a pretty interesting read to spice up your repertoire.